In this case, the small thing I'm referring to can't even be seen with the naked eye. Diabetic retinopathy.
When I went to the eye doctor back in November, he told me I had the very beginnings of retinopathy in two spots in one eye (the with better vision, in fact!). I'm actually lucky in that these were still in the stage where they can be reversed. He wanted to keep a close watch on both of those spots to make sure they didn't get any worse. So, I was told to come back in 6 months. I went back last week. One of the spots has completely reabsorbed, and the other is much smaller. He thinks that if I keep up the great work with diet and exercise, that the other spot will also entirely reabsorb. Can I get a big yay for not losing my vision? Yay!
Random side note: If you can find a doctor that does Optomap, I highly recommend it. I hate, hate, hate having my eyes dilated, and this tool gives a more accurate measurement without having to go through dilation. I can go to the eye doc on my lunch hour and then not have to wait 3 hours to be able to see again! I'm also enough of a geek that I kind of enjoy seeing the pictures of the insides of my eyes. Nerd. The above image is one I found online, not my actual eye image.
Heck yeah! That's awesome.